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Coming soon

The HTML package, as it is right now, allows producing documents and developing information servers. However, it would also be useful to be able to directly access the net from a Prolog application, and through a translation from HTML to Prolog terms, read remote pages and manipulate their contents, for example to perform an intelligent keyword analysis of the text within or to find pointers within the document and in turn follow them. We are working on adding the following features to support this task:

The next release will (hopefully) include these features. We are also working on a release of our Prolog ``Scripts'' and Concurency/Distribution packages, which allow writing executable LP/CLP scripts and concurrent execution, access to remote code, active objects, etc [1], with standard LP/CLP systems.

Please send any comments, bugs, suggestions, to

Mon Mar 18 21:38:39 MET 1996 <>