SUMMARY: how to prevent password echoing for rsh'ed sudo

Saurabh Jang (
Sun, 15 Feb 1998 21:09:28 -0600


The responses received on my query on how to prevent echoing of the
password on an rsh'ed sudo command gave the following solutions:

- Use "ssh" (Secure shell package)
- rsh an xterm and run the desired sudo command inside of it
- Do an stty -echo before running the sudo command.

Note that when your rsh a command, the command does not have a
tty associated with it. If you run an xterm, this does provide
a terminal environment.

If one does
rsh remotehost tty
the output will say "not a tty"

Thanks to all those who responded


                              .     .
Saurabh Jang                 ...   ...     E-mail :
Motorola, iDEN Development  ..... .....    Voice  : (847) 576-2630
1301 East Algonquin Road   ..   ...   ..   Fax    : (847) 576-3603
Schaumburg, IL 60196      .      .      .  