Galician Tunes in MIDI Format

The links below point to MIDI files of some Galician tunes. The files have been given to me by José Presedo, a friend of mine and accomplished Galician bagpiper. The files belong to a larger collection of tunes he has been typing in. I have selected some of them under my own criteria, which may or may not be shared by him or by any other.

Regarding the files, no attempt has been made to mimic how a Galician bagpipe should sound, or how a Galician tune should be played. Some tunes have schematic drums, and some do not. In some files the drones stop by the middle of the tune. This was apparently due to a problem in the MIDI translation built in the music writing program.

All said, this is just a very narrow view of the wide gamut of Galician Folklore. For some more details on Galician bagpipes, tunes, and reference books, you could direct your browser to my pages on Galician bagpipes.

You can download all of the tunes listed below with in Unix tar format compressed with gzip here (some 13K) or in DOS ZIP format here.

Downloading: A note

Some people tell me that they are unable to download the MIDI files, and all they get is garbage on their screen. This usually happens when you just click on a MIDI file link as if it where just another hyperlink: the contents of the file are meaningless to the WWW browser (unless you have a plug-in able to play directly MIDI files), and it just tries to display what it receives. This can be solved by downloading the file to your local disk, and then reading this file with any program able to play MIDI files (and you will have the file stored and ready for further listening and pleasure!). The way this is done changes with the browsers, but usually there is a menu entry, or a combination of mouse button and shift/alt/ctrl keys which does the job.

From the Cancionero de Casto Sampedro

The Cancionero de Casto Sampedro is a collection of popular songs and tunes from Galicia first published in 1940. It has been reprinted recently.

From the Collection of Mr. Feijoo, as published in Aires da Terra

Mr. Feijoo, a bagpiper himself, founded and conducted in the first years of the 20th century one of the first Galician choirs. Aires da Terra is a book about his life and work, which includes lots of scores of Feijoo's collection.

From Other Sources

A page written by Manuel Carro
All the tunes in this page were typed in and given to me by José Presedo
Last modified: Wed Feb 5 17:23:04 1997